I'm Janis. I am the author of a memoir and two award-winning novels (all currently in print). I ​am also the founder of Lit Camp, a successful writers conference, now in its sixth year. I've been a writing teacher and freelance editor in the Bay Area for more than two decades. I currently teach privately, as well as at Book Passage, the San Francisco Zen Center, and Esalen.
A good writing coach is part therapist, part mom, part cheerleader, part critic. A good writing coach can also be the difference between finishing your book and wishing you could finish your book. Between collecting royalties or collecting rejections.
I've helped dozens of writers get their books out into the world. Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation to see how I can help you.

How I Can
Help You
Ever since I published my first book in 2001, I've been committed to helping writers get their books out in the world.
The name HighBeam Editorial was inspired by this quote by E.L. Doctorow...“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”
My goal is to help make that trip a little easier (and more doable) by turning on the high beams.
I offer intensive one on one coaching and mentoring that will inspire you to write more...and give you the skills to write better.
Let's work together!
"Janis is a savvy reader and excellent, insightful editor. In particular, her command of characterization, action, detail, and nuance is exceptional. I have no hesitation in saying she’s the Midas of manuscripts, even as I know she would demand I edit this glaring cliché."
– Ethel Rohan, author of The Weight of Him